Reza Aslan eats human brain on new CNN show 'Believer'

Reza Aslan speaks at the UTA "United Voices" Rally at United Talent Agency headquarters on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017, in Beverly Hills, Calif. He is the host of the new CNN show "Believer." (AP)

Reza Aslan is facing backlash after eating human brain with a Hindu cannibalistic sect on his new CNN show "Believer."

Aslan's news show is meant to explore a variety of faith-based groups around the world. But his exploration of the cannibalistc sect in India has many people up in arms over what they see is a misrepresentation of Hinduism.

In a recent episode, Aslan met with the Aghoris of India and took part in some of their rituals which includes smearing ashes on his face and eating human brain which he said was "burnt to a crisp" and tasted like "charcoal."

However, the secretive sect is generally opposed by mainstream Hindus who and Aslan has been criticized for featuring them on his show.

Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu member of Congress, tweeted her disappointment over the show.

"While good people across our country are working hard to increase mutual understanding and respect between people of different religions," she tweeted. "I am very disturbed that CNN is using its power and influence to increase people’s misunderstanding and fear of Hinduism."

Head of the Republican Hindu Coalition Shalabh Kumarhead tweeted, "I condemn @rezaaslan, CNN for airing Believer with fiction. Disgusting attack on Hindus for supporting @POTUS @stephenkbannon @newtgingrich."

The U.S. India Political Action Committee issued a statement urging CNN to cancel the show.

"CNN story on Hindu rites and cannibalism is completely baseless," the statement said. "This show will create confusion about Indian Americans faith and make them further targets of hate crimes."

Aslan responded to the criticism on Facebook saying he made it clean on the show that the Aghoris are an "extreme Hindu sect" and "are not representative of Hinduism."