Report: Justin Bieber turned down $5 million to perform at RNC

Justin Bieber reportedly turned down $5 million to perform for just 45 minutes at an event near the Republican National Convention last week.

The Canadian-born Bieber, 22, initially considered the deal, in part because the GOP promoters told Bieber’s camp that the event was “not political” and that LeBron James would also be there, TMZ reports.

But when Bieber’s team got in touch with James’ reps, they revealed he wouldn’t even be in Cleveland at the time and urged Bieber to reject the offer.

Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, who is a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter, allegedly also took issue with the GOP’s bid. Braun and Bieber reportedly discussed hanging Black Lives Matter banners at the event, but the GOP refused and offered to hang “All Lives Matter” banners instead.

Braun then reportedly told Bieber it was up to the singer if he wanted to do the show but according to the website, claimed that “he couldn’t continue to represent [Bieber] if he did, out of principle.”

Bieber’s loyalty to longtime manager Braun trumped his loyalty to his bank account — and he reportedly turned down a huge payday.

A request for comment from Bieber’s team was not immediately returned.

This article originally appeared in the New York Post's Page Six.