Records show Dustin Diamond was jailed for oxycodone use

Records show Dustin Diamond violated his probation last month by using a painkiller without permission. (The Associated Press)

Wisconsin Department of Corrections records show former "Saved by the Bell" star Dustin Diamond violated his probation last month by using a painkiller without permission.

Diamond was arrested on May 25 and placed in jail in Ozaukee County for what corrections officials described as a probation violation. Records the agency released Friday show that Diamond took a urine test in his probation agent's office that day and it came back positive for oxycodone. The actor told his agent he took a pill for a toothache.

Diamond, who played Screech on "Saved by the Bell," was convicted in Wisconsin last year on charges stemming from a 2014 Port Washington barroom brawl.

His attorney in that case, Daniel Fay, didn't immediately return a voicemail seeking comment.