Real first Bond girl Linda Christian appeared decade before 'Dr. No.' Find out how...

The latest Bond film opens on Friday, and with it come two new hot Bond girls, Berenice Marlohe and Naomie Harris.

“At first you get overwhelmed by all the expectations and by the legacy, and you try to go through that process of watching previous Bond women and what they have done," Harris told FOX411. "What am I going to do? Then ultimately I think it is just a matter of making your character as unique as possible."

Most count the first Bond girl as the bikini clad Ursula Andress in "Dr. No," but did you know there was an actress who played Bond's main squeeze before her?

Linda Christian appeared in a TV adaptation of "Casino Royale" in 1954 — almost a full decade before "Dr. No" hit theaters. has some exclusive photos of Christian. They shared some beach pics of the Bond stunner with us, above. You can see the rest at