Neither rain, sleet, nor fainting host shall keep me from my appointed duties.
That seems to be the QVC motto, as host Dan Hughes kept right on selling kids' computer tablets even as guest host Cassie Slane was clutching her chest and keeling over right next to him.
Slane had an on-air medical emergency Sunday when she passed out beside co-host Hughes on the show "Sundays with Carolyn and Dan."
“Kids love tablets. They love playing with tablets, they love the games,” Slane said before mumbling incoherently and stumbling into Hughes with her hands at her chest.
The camera cut away to a shot of the tablet device, as Hughes kept right on selling, while Slane was being helped back to her feet.
The camera returned to the pair and Slane picked back up where she left off, but soon started slurring her words again, at which time the camera again cut away, and Hughes admitted: "Cassie's having a little problem."
The story has a happy ending as Slane tweeted later: "Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Feeling better today."
A QVC rep said she suffered a "brief fainting spell," and was now doing fine.
Another QVC host, Carolyn Gracie, picked up for Slane, and wrote to one of the show's Facebook fan that: “Cassie is fine now, thank goodness! She had a couple of fainting spells due to low blood sugar. Poor thing. She is such a nice girl.”
It was Sloane's second on-air collapse, as the same thing happened during another QVC segment in 2010.