(Twitter/Prince Andrew)
You might expect Kate, William, or even Harry to be the first royal to post a "selfie" from within the walls of Buckingham Palace, but you'd be wrong. Those royal youngsters were all beaten to the punch by their uncle, Prince Andrew.
Prince Andrew, also known as the Duke of York, posted the above picture to his Twitter account on Wednesday morning, taken while addressing a group of young entrepreneurs at a "technology and business" event.
"This is a unique day at the Palace because we are encouraging you to use your phones and electronic gadgetry," Andrew reportedly told the crowd before taking the snapshot. "As a result of that, I've decided there's a bit of a thing going around about selfies."
Granted, Prince Andrew's attempt at a selfie isn't the most popular we've seen (it's currently got around 300 retweets), but it's a step in a surprising direction for the royals.
People magazine was quick to point out, however, that Prince William was probably the first royal to take a selfie outside of Buckingham Palace on Christmas in 2013, but we vote to overlook that incident. Besides, William already knocked his Uncle Andrew down a few pegs in the line of royal succession, so we're willing to name Andrew first in line when it comes to selfies.
Good on ya', Andrew.