Pregnancy news fuels feud between Courtney Stodden, mom

Krista Keller (left) and Courtney Stodden appear in a promo for Lifetime's "The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition." (Lifetime)

Sharing the news of pregnancy is usually a happy time between a mother and daughter.

But for reality star Courtney Stodden and her former manager and mom Krista Keller, it's only causing a further rift in their already damaged relationship.

News broke earlier this week of Stodden's first pregnancy when an anonymous source leaked a video confirming the 21-year-old was pregnant to media outlets.

Stodden confirmed the validity of the video to FOX411 saying it was an "invasion of my privacy."

The "Asphalt" singer's mom was shocked by the news when reached by FOX411.

"If it wasn't for media I would not get to know the news about my daughter's pregnancy," Keller told FOX411. "This will make grandchild number five. If she is happy, I am happy for her.

"It would be nice to experience this with her but as it still stands her and I are still not speaking. I did not even hear from her on Mother's Day. I was blessed to be able to celebrate it with my other two girls. Courtney is still missing from our family. I pray for her everyday."

Stodden fired back at her mother's comments telling FOX411, "My mother continues to play her 'victim' games to manipulate the media and ride on the coat tails of my celebrity in a pathetic attempt to remain in the limelight. Now she's using my pregnancy in the same manner."

The newly pregnant star continued saying that if her mom were truly happy for her, she would call or text her.

"The truth is, that my mother recently went to press to claim that I apparently have 'the devil's hands all over me' and that a 'Christian counselor' informed her to stay away from me for at least 6 to 8 years. The reason I didn't reach out to my mother on Mother's Day is because she is not being a good mother to me."

Stodden says her therapist warned her to stay away from her mother and that is why she did not reach out to her on Mother's Day.

"I will never do that to my child. It deeply saddens me that I can't share with my mother the news of my pregnancy, but our fractured relationship eclipses any hope that she'll ever change and start being the mother I truly deserve."

Stodden and Keller's feud began earlier this year when the reality star claimed her mother fell in love with her much-older hubby, Doug Hutchison.