Pornography pros worried about GOP anti-porn plank?

The GOP has a proposed anti-porn plank in its convention platform saying pornography is a public health crisis and “encourage states to continue to fight this public menace.” So are porn pros worried about what might happen if the plank makes it onto the party platform, and presumed nominee Donald Trump and the GOP win the White House?

“As we all know political platforms are meaningless. But once again it shows how terribly out of touch the Republican Party is,” Steven Hirsch, founder/co-chairman of porn purveyor Vivid Entertainment, told FOX411. “I’m sure Donald Trump would laugh at that.”

One person not laughing is Mary Frances Forrester, the North Carolina delegate who offered the plank on Monday, stressing the importance of an anti-porn push.

"The internet must not become a safe haven for predators. Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the life of millions," she said.

But porn star and former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexting partner Sydney Leathers told FOX411 that the issue is not with porn per se, but rather exposes the GOP’s views on the First Amendment.

“Pornographers should be fearful of any Republican candidates because historically speaking, Republicans are the ones who come after us with obscenity charges,” Leathers said. “Republicans care an awful lot about the Second Amendment but not enough about the first. Like it or not, porn isn't illegal and this is a First Amendment issue.”

Kevin Blatt, the broker who brought the Paris Hilton sex tape to the masses, says “for the most part, the adult industry isn't too concerned about Republicans. The adult industry has weathered many storms over the years with conservatives targeting them, from the Meese Commission on obscenity to John Ashcroft."

FOX411 reached out to Forrester but did not receive comment. The GOP convention convenes on Monday.