Porn star Olivia Nova dies at 20, latest in string of deaths to rock adult industry

Adult film actress Olivia Nova died on Jan. 7 in Las Vegas at age 20. (Twitter)

Adult film actress Olivia Nova died at age 20 on Sunday in Las Vegas, joining a growing list of young porn stars to succumb to untimely deaths.

Nova's cause of death is unknown.

The adult film actress tweeted on Christmas that she was lonely after spending the holidays by herself.

Her former representatives, LA Direct Models, issued a statement on the news of Nova's passing.

"While only represented by Direct Models for a short period of time, we came to know Olivia as a beautiful girl with a very sweet and gentle personality," the statement read. "It is understood next of kin have been informed. Another one, way too young we are beyond shocked and most certainly, completely out of the blue. Rest in peace, sweet angel."

Nova's cause of death is unknown. (Twitter)

Nova entered the porn industry in March 2017 and amassed a following of over 20,000 people on Twitter.

Some of her fans reached out to express their sadness over her sudden death.

One Twitter user wrote, "RIP Olivia Nova. Sad to hear she passed away."

Nova died at 20 years old on Sunday in Las Vegas according to multiple media reports. (Twitter)

While another said, "Sad to see her go. May her soul RIP."

Fox News reached out to LA Direct Models but did not receive comment.

Porn star August Ames hung herself in December 2017 at age of 23. (Twitter)

Nova's death comes after the December suicide of August Ames at  23. Ames hung herself after she was called homophobic for not having sex on camera with men who had done gay porn. She also suffered from mental health issues, and said she had been molested as a child.

Porn stars Shyla Styles (left) and Turi Luv (right) also recently died.

Adult entertainer Turi Luv (real name Yurizan Beltran), 31, died of a drug overdose the same month. In one of her last Instagram posts, she included a quotation that read: "I hope to arrive to my death, late, in love, and a little drunk."

Adult Film Hall of Famer Shyla Stylez died in her sleep in November 2017 at the age of 35. She had retired from the porn industry the previous year.

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