Pinup Patriots: Lovely USO Ladies

<b>Mila Kunis</b> The sexy "Friends with Benefits" star made waves last year when she attended the Marine Corps Ball with Sgt. Scott Moore, an admirer who asked her out via YouTube.  Although the way this date came about may be unprecedented, scores of leading ladies have sent soldiers' hearts aflutter over the years by volunteering for USO tours. Here are some of the prettiest patriots of all time. (Reuters)

<b>Ginger Rogers</b> The legendary actress toured tirelessly for the USO in the '40s. She also promoted the sale of War Bonds.

<b>Jessica Simpson</b> The singer turned actress has been involved with the USO since 2001.  "The first USO tour was me, Neal McCoy, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Rob Schneider and Wayne Newton. We went to Bosnia and Afghanistan," she said. "It was pretty unbelievable." "So I've been to Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Germany, all for the USO," she said. "It's been amazing to be a part of that. Even like Fort Hood in Texas and in San Diego, I've really tried to meet as many troops as I possibly can just to say thank you. There's nothing you can really ever do to thank them enough." (AP)

<b>Alyssa Milano</b> The "Who's the Boss" actress visited the troops in Iraq in 2003. "I went to Iraq on a USO tour. This was two months after the war was declared over," she explains. "When we got on the ground, they started throwing us helmets and bulletproof vests. I'm wearing a little Prada shirt, you know. I wanted to look good for the boys. Basically, I was doing my service to the country." (AP)

<b>Carrie Underwood</b> The fourth winner of "American Idol" entertained the troops during the USO Christmas tour in the Persian Gulf in 2006. (AP)

<b>Marilyn Monroe</b> The blonde bombshell was a staple in the USO circuit. Once, while in Korea, she performed 10 shows in four days for over 100,000 servicemen. (AP)

<b>Brooke Shields</b> Brooke's support of the USO began way back in the '80s when she toured with the late Bob Hope. (AP)

<b>Judy Garland</b> The legendary Judy Garland was also introduced to the USO by Bob Hope. (AP)

<b>Chelsea Handler</b> The comedian spread some laughs in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba in March 2011. She spent three days there with some of her hilarious friends doing stand-up routines and signing autographs.  (AP)    

<b>Raquel Welch</b> The screen legend sang for the troops in Vietnam as part of a USO tour in 1967. (AP)

<b>Kellie Pickler</b> The former "American Idol" contestant has made somewhat of a career of entertaining the troops. In 2002 she went on her second USO tour of military bases around the world. "I just got back from my second USO tour. Once again, the most incredible thing I have ever done in my life," she wrote on her MySpace blog. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the men and women serving our country... I will never take what you do for granted."<br><br> "I am more tired than I have ever been in my life and I don't mind it at all," she also shares. "I don't think I have ever flown this much in my life... If I remember correctly we did 9 shows in 5 days! I guess I am still on auto pilot." (Reuters)

<b>Marissa Miller</b> The Victoria's Secret model has a personal tie to the men and women who serve our country. "My uncle and grandfather served in the Marine Corps," she said. "And I went to Guantanamo Bay on the USO tour, where I was taken aback by the dedication of the troops."<br><br> "Last November, for military appreciation month, we did a photo campaign based on 1940s pinups from WWII. We made posters and calendars, and the reaction was crazy," she explained. "Some guys wanted to use the photos to paint on the sides of their warplanes. I sent posters to the servicemen and they sent pictures with them holding the posters in Iraq. It blows me away how appreciative they are." (AP)<br>

<b>America Ferrera</b> The former "Ugly Betty" star visited Iraq in 2010. "It was a really incredible experience especially having spent a couple of years working on 'The Dry Land,'" she says.  In the movie she plays the wife of a soldier who has recently come home from the war. "It was really interesting to be welcomed by them," she explains. "We were very well received and they were grateful for the distraction and (it was) kind of a little bit of homecoming to them. We were just grateful to have that experience and be in an environment and gain a lot of perspective that most people will never have." (AP)<br itxtnodeid="213">

<b>Rita Hayworth</b> The iconic actress had many roles in which her character sang on film, but what audiences didn't know was that the performances were mostly dubbed. So when the troops at her many USO performances would ask her to sing, she was, extremely embarrassed, she had to refuse!  

<b>Scarlet Johansson</b> “It’s important to give people a piece of home and to boost morale,” Johansson said about her USO visit to the troops in 2008. “Everybody out here is risking everything, giving us one of the biggest gifts they can. I want to be out here to support them.” “This USO tour to the Gulf region truly means a lot. I’ve wanted to go over and visit for some time, and now my moment has arrived. It’s one thing to reply to a letter or extend your thanks to service members in a speech, but it’s another thing to visit them and spend time with those that do so much for us back home," she said. (AP)