Pink slams 'all lives matter' critics in the comments of her protest photo: 'Educate yourself'

Pink fired back at people suggesting all lives matter and criticizing her for attending a protest for George Floyd over the weekend.

The singer, like many other celebrities, has been sharing a number of posts supporting those protesting against police brutality and taking to the streets to call for reform. On Saturday, she shared an image on Instagram of herself attending a protest that clearly upset many of her followers.

The image shows her standing amid protesters holding up a peace sign with her fingers. The star wears a head wrap, black sunglasses and a Rosa Parks-themed T-shirt. In addition, the “Walk Me Home” singer, who recently got over the coronavirus, dons a face mask and appears to have a bottle of hand sanitizer at the ready in her pocket. She captioned the image with a collection of hashtags including “#blacklivesmatter,” “peacefulprotest” and “alllivescantmatteruntilblacklivesmatter.”


An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

It didn’t take long before critics took to the comments to rebuke her participation in the protest. As Yahoo notes, Pink wasn’t shy about responding to the negative attention from her followers.

“EVERY LIFE MATTERS! All people have equal rights. As to me, the tag line ‘Black lives matter’ is racist,” read one comment.

“Well, all I can say to you then is ‘educate yourself,’” Pink responded.

She followed up by hitting back at a different “all lives matter” comment, writing: “Why are some white people so threatened by fairness? It shows how small you are.”


Another user questioned why no one protests when a white person is murdered, prompting Pink to shoot back: “No one’s stopping you bro.”

Pink responded to critics in the comments of an image of her at a protest for George Floyd. (Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)

This isn’t the first time that the singer has engaged with people who criticize her stance on the Black Lives Matter movement on social media. She previously shared part of a statement originally written by Billie Eilish that specifically knocks the “all lives matter” retort.

“You are the epitome of white privilege and the saddest part is that you don’t even hear yourself and probably never will,” she said to one critic.

Pink has been very vocal on social media since the May 25 death of Floyd, an African-American who died in Minneapolis police custody after a white officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt his neck for over eight minutes.

She even targeted President Trump on Twitter after he shared a tweet about the protests calling for "LAW & ORDER."


"You’re a coward and a racist and just like everything else you’ve ever attempted in your life, A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE. I can’t wait to vote you out in November. Maybe you’ll see the results from your baby bunker," she wrote.