Piers Morgan anti-deportation petition claims 'No one in the U.K. wants him'

Piers Morgan (Reuters)

More than 100,000 people have signed a petition to deport British CNN host Piers Morgan from the U.S. over his gun control views. But it seems many in the U.K. don’t want Morgan there either.

A petition created on Christmas Day titled “Keep Piers Morgan in the U.S.” has garnered more than 8,000 signatures.

“We want to keep Piers Morgan in the USA,” the petition reads. “No one in the U.K. wants him back.”

The first petition to deport Morgan was originally posted on Dec. 21, after he shared his views on gun control.

Morgan took an aggressive stand for tighter U.S. gun laws in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting. Following the shooting, he called a gun advocate appearing on his "Piers Morgan Tonight" show an "unbelievably stupid man."

Morgan initially seemed unfazed — and even amused — by the movement to deport him.

In a series of tweets he alternately urged his followers to sign the petition and in response to one article about the petition said "bring it on" as he appeared to track the petition's progress.

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"If I do get deported from America for wanting fewer gun murders, are there any other countries that will have me?" he wrote.

Maybe. But don’t count on the U.K., Piers.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.