Expect a few extra fender benders on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles in the coming weeks as actress Olivia Munn just unveiled her "I'd Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur" billboard for the People of the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The original full-length nude pic was deemed too racy for the powers-to-be in Los Angeles, but the "tamer" body baring image, complete with the slogan "Who Needs Fur to Feel Beautiful?" is still turning plenty of heads.
Before she would agree to the shoot, however, Munn had one big caveat: no guys on set.
"I was very clear about having an all-female shoot and the photographer (Emily Shur) is a friend of mine and she is fantastic and amazing and she has guys who set up, and they had to set up and leave," Munn told FOX411's Pop Tarts column of the shooting experience. "I felt very comfortable once I knew that there were only girls."
Munn said the photo speaks for itself.
"I'm proud of this picture and I didn't want it to be overly sexy, and I didn't want it to be overly fierce and strong, I just wanted it to be somebody who looks very comfortable," she said. I also think it's very important for women to know that you don't have to be afraid to want to be sexy, and also be considered smart, passionate, and nice."
Munn it took her a long time to feel that comfortable in her own skin.
"I think back to myself when I was eight, nine, 10, 11, and I used to go through these magazines and hate parts of myself because I didn't look like these tall, thin girls and it's a natural thing that happens. I'm brunette, half Asian, and I have freckles. I wasn't the normal description of beauty that I grew up seeing," Munn continued. "So whenever I start to feel insecure or wish that my boobs were bigger or butt was smaller or wish that I was that really thin, waify girl that could just walk around in ballet slippers -- and I am not -- I wear heels because I'm barely 5' 4", I have to be comfortable with it. I have to know that I'm okay with it. How will the world know you're worth it if you don't? How do you expect anybody else to think that you're worthy of anything if you don't think it first?"
And word of warning to any Hollywood stars who pair their red carpet attire with a little fur: Ms. Munn has you on her radar.
"It makes me think when I see it. It's shocking to me because I think one of two things: either you just don't know any better, or you know better and you're just that callous," she added. "It's a surprising thing. I also think, 'Oh, the other day you looked so pretty and you weren't wearing fur. Do you have to wear fur tonight?' I really don't understand when somebody knows better and they don't do better."
Deidre Behar contributed to this report.