Nirvana's Krist Novoselic praises Trump's 'strong and direct' speech against George Floyd riots

Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic praised the hard-line calls of President Trump in which he threatened to send in the military to restore order at nationwide riots over George Floyd’s death if governors didn’t do it.

“Wow!!! I know many of you can’t stand him, however, Trump knocked it out of the park with this speech,” Novoselic wrote on his personal Facebook page.

While Novoselic said Trump “should not be sending troops into states—and he legally might not be able to anyway,” he lauded Trump’s tone as “strong and direct.”


As more demonstrations began taking shape around the country, and cities girded for another round of scattered violence after dark, the president demanded Monday an to end the heated protests and he vowed to use military force to achieve that if necessary.

More than 20,000 National Guard members have been called up in 29 states to deal with the violence.

About a dozen other deaths have been reported around the country over the past week. And nearly 8,000 people nationwide have been arrested for offenses such as stealing, blocking highways and breaking curfew, according to a count by The Associated Press.

Meanwhile, governors and mayors, Republicans and Democrats alike, rejected Trump’s threat to send in the military, with some saying troops would be unnecessary and others questioning whether the government has such authority and warning that such a step would be dangerous.

Novoselic added how he “drove from Wahkiakum to Seattle and back today and have seen [sic] countless fellow Washingtonians on the road. I did not see any violence—but a Tesla supercharging station at an Auburn mall was closed off by police. Driving, I passed by regular folks who are already stressed by the Covid. Now, social media and television are looping images of societal breakdown.”

“Imagine if so-called ‘patriot militias’ were raising this kind of hell? If this were the case, left wing people would welcome federal intervention,” Novoselic remarked. “Most Americans want peace in their communities and President Trump spoke to this desire. Never mind the legal details that few understand—Trump said he would stop the violence and this speaks to many.”

Former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic. (REUTERS/Anthony Bolante) 


Novoselic later made his Facebook page private and deleted his Twitter account.

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