
Voice endowed superstar Mariah Carey has been expressing her concern over her hubby’s “mild kidney failure,” the singer revealed via Twitter on Wednesday.

“Please pray for Nick as he's fighting to recover from a mild kidney failure. #mybraveman” Carey posted on her Twitter account. She then added a photo of herself and Cannon on the hospital bed.

Mimi, as she is called, added on her official webpage that she’s been by Cannon’s side in Colorado the entire time.

"We're trying to be as festive as possible under the circumstances but please keep Nick in your thoughts because this is very painful," the part-Venezuelan singer wrote.

“This is us in the hospital - role reversal; Last year it was me attached to the machines,” she said referring to giving birth to her children. “Nick was there with me through it, and now here we are.”

Carey said that the medical personnel “tried to kick me out of the hospital,” but that they failed in getting her to leave “Mr. C’s” side.

Nonetheless, Carey can’t wait to be home with her man.

“We're doing OK but we're "straaaaaanded in Aspen". #DramaticDivaPlace (I know, we could be in a lot worse places),”continued Carey.

“But, the truth is as long as we're together, we're OK.”

Her last request to her fans was to “keep us and our family in your prayers.”

Recently, Carey put Kim Kardashian ,(who dated Nick Cannon three months before he met Carey) on blast, while talking about how she lost the baby weight  at a Jenny Craig promotional event.

Cannon and Carey share six-month old twins Morrocan and Monroe.

“I’m a real person,” Carey said. “Sometimes we make each other mad. Sometimes I make him mad.”

“That’s… why we are not divorced after four months.”


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