News anchor walks off-air during Kardashian segment

A Florida news anchor with zero interest in keeping up with the Kardashians stormed off the set during a live broadcast — rather than report that Kylie Jenner has a new bunny named Bruce.

“Nobody cares about this family anymore!” anchor John Brown can be heard screaming off camera in the “Good Day Orlando” clip, which aired last Friday.

“I’m having a good Friday, so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians!” the anchor seethed as he stood up and walked off set. “You are on your own, Amy. I can’t do it, I’ve had enough Kardashians! I can’t take any more Kardashian stories on this show!”

His co-anchor, Amy Kaufeldt, was left sitting alone on the couch, bleakly saying, “He left me.”

A replacement anchor quickly joined Kaufeldt, as the onscreen team attempted to calm down a fuming Brown, who was still wearing his mike.

Rumba 1003 radio host and broadcast guest Jenny Castillo attempted to de-escalate the situation by asking Brown, “How would you like it if your daughter named her pet John? That’s exactly what Kylie Jenner did.”

“I don’t care about this family. I’m sick of this family. It’s a nonstory!” Brown yelled back.

Brown later posted a video to Facebook of the outburst, and included an apology.

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This article originally appeared in the New York Post.