New York Times offends with 'homophobic' cartoon depicting Trump, Putin as lovers

Trump and Putin have met twice before, during international summits last year in Germany and Vietnam. (AP)

The New York Times shared a bizarre video cartoon that features President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in a sexual relationship that has been slammed as “a disgusting new low” for the Gray Lady.

“Donald Trump’s not-so-secret admiration for Vladimir Putin plays out in a teenager’s bedroom, where the fantasies of this forbidden romance come to life,” the paper’s Opinion section captioned the animation on Twitter.

The cartoon, part of a three-part series titled “Trump Bites,” begins with Trump using breath spray while fixing his tie in front of a shirtless photo of Putin – who eventually arrives and causes the president’s heart to flutter. The depiction of the world leaders escalates quickly, as Trump is caressing Putin’s hand within 30 second and they are kissing atop a flying unicorn shortly thereafter.

Conservative strategist Chris Barron, who was a key organizer of LGBT for Trump, told Fox News that the cartoon is “a disgusting new low” for The New York Times.

“Whenever the left wants to lampoon someone on the right they always play the gay card. This is exactly what they think of gay people - that our lives and our relationships are jokes. Something deserving of ridicule and scorn,” Barron said. “Most middle school children behave better than this.”

The overtly sexual animation features a close-up depiction of Trump and Putin’s interlocking tongues before the president is shown watching television in only his underpants. Trump shoots his TV with a pistol to conclude the racy cartoon. The animation hit the Times' website on June 25 but was resurfaced on Sunday evening when the paper tweeted it ahead of Monday’s highly anticipated closed-door meeting between Trump and Putin.

NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck told Fox News that the animation is an example of “the lengths to which the media will go to show the public how far advanced their cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome are,” and he doesn’t think it would have been acceptable during previous administration.

“If someone had done this with Barack Obama and any other male world leader, the calls of homophobia would be overwhelming."

— NewsBusters Managing Editor Curtis Houck

“If someone had done this with Barack Obama and any other male world leader, the calls of homophobia would be overwhelming,” Houck said.

Two-time Oscar-nominated animator Bill Plympton created the video, which the Times said mocks “Trump’s absurd utterances to illustrate the president’s tumultuous inner life of paranoia, narcissism and xenophobia.”

Barron told Fox News that the cartoon is homophobic “by the left’s definition” of the term.

“Plympton is an iconoclastic animator who creates irreverent, unsettling and at times disturbing cartoons,” the Times wrote. “The Trump presidency inspired him to extend his provocative art to political satire.”

The Times’ tweet was roasted by followers, with users calling it “a cut throat ad aimed at LGBQ,” “disgraceful,” “creepy” and “homophobic trash.”

“What on Earth makes you think that equating the love that millions of people across the planet feel for one another to the unconscionably criminal relationship between these two is OK?” LGBTQ activist Brian Sims wrote.

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted, “Oh so now homophobia is cool if it’s used to rip Trump.”

Free Beacon reporter Alex Griswold added, "The joke here is that Trump is a gay.”

The New York Times did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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