New Taylor Swift pictures spark breast implant rumors

Taylor Swift (left) steps out in New York City on August, 24, 2016. She posed (right) on the red carpet at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards in New York August 25, 2013. (Splash/Reuters)

Something's different about Taylor Swift.

When the pop star stepped out in a crop top and workout pants in New York City on Wednesday fans couldn't help but notice the singer looked a little, well, enhanced.

Swift's chest looked noticeably larger (left) than it did in 2013 when she posed on the red carpet at the MTV Video Music Awards (right).

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Rumors have long swirled that the 26-year-old has gone under the knife.

When she attended the the 40 Principales Awards in Madrid in 2013, people speculated the "Bad Blood" singer had gotten implants.

She has yet to comment on the rumors but perhaps Swift's enhanced assets are just the product of a padded bra and photo angle.