Gretchen, NeNe, Camille and LuAnn have some serious competition in the “Real Housewife” house. There’s a new, unofficial installment coming to the small screen, and it’s centered on communicating Christian values.
Author, relationships expert and CEO/Founder of Heaven Enterprises, Ty Adams, has brought to life a spin-off version of the hit Bravo franchise entitled “The Real Housewives of the Bible,” which stars several single and married women endeavoring to become good wives sans the need for spats, social events and tears over a fashion faux pas.
“Because of the popularity of the reality shows we've seen of the other 'Real Housewives,' I saw women that weren't able to stabilize their own relationships, and we get to see this aired on screen and yet we don't see any solutions as to the problems they're facing. I want people to understand how it feels again to fall in love,” Adams told FOX411’s Pop Tarts. “I wanted to showcase women who are having issues in relationships just like you see on these reality shows because this is real life. We're not afraid to face those tough issues and so we wanted to not necessarily pick the perfect person who had everything, we wanted to find the hard issues and see how people work this out where you can really grasp the essence of what love and true love in relationships is.”
Adams is also featured in the two-part, straight-to-DVD series which is slated for release in August, sharing her Christian-based words of wisdom with the embattled subjects.
“We reenact scenes (from classic Biblical stories) which depict the stories of these troubled women in their relationships. We navigate through solutions so that they can really turn around their relationships, whether they're single or married,” she explained.
And certainly not every scenario falls under the umbrella of a saint.
“Delilah, she had the attention of a very powerful and influential man named Samson and her problem though, was her greed, her needs, her high maintenance lifestyle, could not allow her to sustain this relationship,” Adams continued. “She was more caught on what this man could do for her financially, than what he could do for her emotionally and intimately. As a result of that, she was his downfall. She actually took a high-powered man down. We wanted to capture how Delilah did this, so you see this unveiled in 'The Real Housewives of the Bible.'”
Adams is confident that the religion-focused series will help Americans understand that the Bible truly does have all the answers when it comes to understanding the trials and tribulations of love, sex, divorce and marriage.
“If you want to find out about love, you go to the original manufacturer, you go to the blueprint. God himself is love and he understands relationships more than any of us and he understands how love operates more than any of us because he is love,” Adams added. “God is not as far away from your experiences and will understand. I think it's an excellent opportunity for people to see how the Bible actually relates to everyday life.”
Bravo declined to comment on the spin-off series other than to say they are in no way affiliated with the project.
Deidre Behar contributed to this report.