
“Real Housewives” star Taylor Armstrong says her late husband tried to drown her in a swimming pool along with two of her friends that Radar Online claims to have identified.

Armstrong first made the claim against her late husband Russell Armstrong in her memoir, but did not identify the two people with whom the incident occurred. But according to Radar, Jennifur Diamond and her husband at the time, Mark Alsentzer, were at the couple’s home a few years ago when Russell allegedly injured Mark, threw Jennifur into the pool and “tried to drown Taylor.”

“Mark and Jennifur were able to pull Russell off of her and probably saved her life,” Radar quoted a source as saying. “The cops were called and a police report was filed. At that point Taylor hadn't been receiving any therapy, and she begged and pleaded with her friends not to press charges."

Another source told Radar that Russell Armstrong agreed to pay for medical bills for the couple for not pressing charges.

"Mark got 16 stitches and had work done on his teeth because of what Russell did," Radar quoted the source as saying.

An autopsy found that Russell Armstrong committed suicide last summer. Taylor Armstrong, with whom Russell was estranged at the time of his death, later revealed details of their tumultuous marriage in a memoir and on her show, “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”

zEarlier this week, Radar reported that Taylor Armstrong and her young daughter have received multiple death threats via her Twitter account.