NBC News' 'self-described unbiased journalist' Andrea Mitchell slammed for siding with Eagles over Trump

NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell was mocked for biased journalism after tweeting in support of the Eagles. (2017 NBCUniversal Media, LLC)

NBC News star Andrea Mitchell got roasted on Twitter Monday night, after her own tweet exposed her rooting interest in the ongoing dustup between President Trump and the Philadelphia Eagles.

After Trump canceled a White House visit from the Super Bowl champs, the Peacock Network's chief foreign affairs correspondent reacted with a cheerleading tweet.

“Fly #Eagles Fly!!!” read Mitchell's missive.

Earlier, Trump had said the team was “unable” to attend because they don’t share his view that NFL players should “proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country.”

Mitchell's hot take stood out because she is supposed to be a nonpartisan reporter for a major network news division.

“It’s always inappropriate when a self-described unbiased journalist takes a side in a political dispute like Andrea Mitchell has. Sadly, she among others keep lowering their standards," Mediaite columnist Joseph Wulfsohn told Fox News.

Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor said one of the best things about social media is it has outed so many journalists' biases.

“Where Mitchell really shows her biases is sports. She recently and insanely claimed people are ‘not standing and saluting the anthem for a large part’ at football games. Has she ever even been to one? I had season tickets to two different teams. The people there were proudly to stand and honor our nation and our anthem. And now this pro-Eagles/anti-Trump tweet. She's a blatant partisan, not a neutral journalist,” Gainor said.

Her tweet was “liked” by several thousand followers, but others responded by pointing out the lack of neutrality.

One user responded, “You are so bias[ed]... you just showed your true color as the Eagles did and it isn’t red, white and blue.” Another added, “Wow so much for unbiased journalism.”

“Wow @NBCNews Unbiased reporting,” another user wrote.

Another user asked, “Why are you a journalist? You are partisan politics. You represent what the main stream media is today. No balance.”

It’s far from the first time that the NBC News correspondent has been accused of openly leaning left. Mitchell, who is married to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and Hillary Clinton are known to be close friends who have publicly praised each other. Mitchell said that Clinton “proved her commander in chief bona fides in terms of being tough as a gender issue” during the pregame show for an NBC News town hall event in 2016.

"I love you, Andrea. You are indefatigable. You’re my kind of woman,” Clinton said while pointing at Mitchell during a 2016 press conference on the campaign trail.

Mitchell has also complimented Clinton’s stamina, downplayed former interim Democratic National Committee chair and CNN political analyst Donna Brazile leaking town hall questions to the Clinton camp, proclaimed an investigation into Clinton’s private email server was "the worst possible situation" for America and appeared to have been fed a softball question by Clinton’s spokesperson.

President Trump has referred to Mitchell as “Hillary Clinton's P.R. person,” and White House social media director Dan Scavino once said she is a Democratic "PR person."

Earlier this year, the NBC News veteran was criticized for publically offering advice to famously fired FBI official Andrew McCabe after he was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The White House will still hold a ceremony on Tuesday for a group of 1,000 fans in which Trump said he “will honor our great country, pay tribute to the heroes who fight to protect it, and loudly and proudly play the National Anthem."

NBC News did not immediately respond to request for comment.

Fox News’ Ryan Gaydos contributed to this report.

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