Naya Rivera slams 'stupid assumptions' about copying Kim K. with nude pics

Naya Rivera was excited to share some of her new nearly-nude pregnancy photos from a shoot for Yahoo! Style on Tuesday, but some Internet haters left a bitter taste in her mouth.

The 28-year-old “Glee” star was called out by online users after she posted the photos on the same day as Kim Kardashian posted her own completely nude baby bump picture.

Rivera, who previously has been accused of aping Kardashian’s look, took to Twitter to shoot down rumors that she was trying upstage the pregnant reality star, pointing out that she has no control of when photos are released by a publication.

“I chose to share pregnancy photos because I think this is a very beautiful and special time in my life,” Rivera wrote on Tuesday. “Media outlets know that when you give your photos and an interview to run a story, you never get a choice as to when it runs.”

She added: “So trying to make something out of nothing based on stupid assumptions is awful. Such a shame … Especially when it comes to a woman and her beautiful pregnancy journey.”

The photos, which have Rivera topless with a fur shawl, were for a Yahoo! Style spread and interview.

“Check out my pregnancy shoot with @Yahoo! I love that I have been able to share the special journey with you,” she tweeted. “And my bump is so big you can’t even see the black shorts I’m wearing! Hehe #nudeillusion.”

Kardashian shared her photo around the same time as Rivera and took the opportunity to slam haters who criticize her body.

"First they say I'm too skinny so I have to be faking it ... Now they say I'm too big so I have to be faking it ... SMH! Some days I'm photographed before I eat & look smaller, some days I've just eaten, & I look bigger. It's all a part of the process," she wrote on Instagram. “I think you all know me well enough to know I would document the process if I got a surrogate. Everyone's body is different, every pregnancy is very different!"

Rivera recently blogged about entering the third trimester, saying she was “ecstatic.”

“I could see the finish line and it felt so good. Sure, my back was on fire and I was tipping the scales at numbers I didn't think I could ever reach, but who cares?! We're almost done! Being in my third trimester means hard work is ahead, and every day a new body part aches or seemingly falls apart. But it also comes with its share of really fun and exciting things too," she wrote.

She continued: “I'm so grateful that not only is our baby already surrounded with so much love, but that we are fortunate and able to provide a great life for the little one. So hats off to all of the strong, powerful women and mothers in the world, baby or no baby, you're all amazing! And to all my third trimester mamas, we're almost there!"

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