Mother of 9/11 victim upset 'Zero Dark Thirty' used son's phone message

A Connecticut woman whose son died in the Sept. 11 attacks at the World Trade Center says she's upset the Oscar-winning movie "Zero Dark Thirty" used a recording of his last words without her permission.

Mary Fetchet, of New Canaan, told CBS News and the Daily News this week that she was shocked the filmmakers didn't ask if they could use the voicemail her son, Bradley Fetchet, left on her phone while he was on the 89th floor of the World Trade Center's south tower.

The movie about the manhunt for Usama bin Laden begins with the voices of 9/11 victims making their last phone calls.

"When I arrived home I found Brad's message on our phone, and, of course, these were his last words in my view, because we never heard from him again," she told CBS News.

Her husband, Frank, added that the couple sees the message as a “treasured remembrance” of their son.

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The Fetchets have previously approved the message be used in news broadcasts and on several other occasions, but Mary said this use was different in her eyes.

"My first thought was, 'isn't anything sacred anymore?'" she said. "I used it in situations where I wanted to convey Brad's story. None of those situations were used for commercial endeavors."

Sony Pictures Entertainment said in a statement that the filmmakers “initiated contact with a number of family members of the victims of the 9/11 attacks" before the movie’s release. The studio says it contacted several relatives of 9/11 victims about using the voice recordings.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.