'Most Interesting Man' Jonathan Goldsmith talks about being dropped by Dos Equis

(© Quillard Inc.)

The Mexican beer Dos Equis is retiring the current “Most Interesting Man in the World.” Turns out, he may not be quite as interesting to a younger demographic, but he definitely helped the company make a lot of money.

Jonathan Goldsmith, 77, the man who has to this point embodied the “Most Interesting Man in the World,” arrived on the scene in 2006 and quickly developed a cult-like following.

"Leaving the character is a mixed bag. I'll miss the people and the friends I've made, but it's nice to have new opportunities. When one door slams, another opens," Goldsmith told Fox News Latino.

The New York City native doesn't entirely resemble his creation. Goldsmith modeled the mannerisms of his career-defining character after his good friend and sailing buddy, the Argentine-born actor Fernando Lamas.

Dos Equis increased the number of cases shipped between 2007 and 2015 by 34.8 percent, according to the company, which is owned by Amsterdam-based beer conglomerate Heineken. They estimate that about 25 percent of its growth will come from Dos Equis, and its demand from Latino men.

The company has reportedly said a replacement actor will debut in a commercial later this year.

The new campaign hopes to capture younger beer drinkers with an even more interesting man – and one who’s presumably younger himself – all designed to keep the company’s competitive edge.

"From super-heroes to super-spies, our fans are accustomed to and enjoy different takes on the same character. We know 'The Most Interesting Man in the World' will continue to endure and grow, as the character's story is bigger than one individual," Andrew Katz, vice president of marketing for Dos Equis, said in a statement.

Goldsmith is indeed an interesting guy. "We're the sum total of our experience," Goldsmith says.

At one point he lived on a sailboat in Los Angeles saved a couple of lives, was a businessman, with an office in London, been on Broadway, and he’s currently writing a book tentatively entitled, "Before I Was Interesting." It's part autobiography about his life in Hollywood and part guide to success.

Before leading his current charmed life thanks to which he's spent time at Camp David with President Obama, Goldsmith worked as a garbage truck driver and played small roles in Westerns like the “TheShootist” with John Wayne and “Hang 'Em High’ with Clint Eastwood.

Goldsmith leaves the role behind in epic fashion. His final spot will begin to air this week, in which the Most Interesting Man will board a spaceship to make a one-way trip to Mars.

"Look, people loved this character because in a complex and troubled world he gave people a chance to smile. A 7-year-old boy came up to me with his father in a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles. His father told me that when he asked his son what he wanted to be when he grew up he said, ‘the most interesting man in the world,’" Goldsmith said.

Asked if Donald Trump is the actual Most Interesting Man in the World, the actor who has been portraying a (maybe) Mexican told Fox News Latino, “Hardly. I don't think he appeals to our greater angels,” Goldsmith says, referring to a famous line by Abraham Lincoln.

Married happily for the last eight years, he has five children, ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. "Everyone needs a hobby," he said.

Goldsmith's advice to men who want to be interesting?

"Become interested,” he told FNL. “Think outside of the box. Life is like a parade, don't sit on the sidelines and watch it all go by. Enjoy all the stops along the way. And at the very least, read."

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