Modest Mouse frontman Isaac Brock is being sued for nearly $1 million for allegedly crashing into a Portland, Ore., city employee's car. (Associated Press)
The lead singer of the rock band Modest Mouse – who once sang in a hit song that “I backed my car into a cop car the other day” – was sued Wednesday for crashing into a pickup truck in August 2016.
But unlike the driver in the band's mega-hit “Float On,” the Portland, Ore., city employee involved in the crash didn’t “just drive off.” Instead, she’s suing 42-year-old Isaac Brock for nearly $1 million.
City employee Cassidy Kane, 41, claims the crash caused herniated disks in her spine and did other tissue and muscle damage that continues to cause her pain and numbness in her extremities.
Kane says she will need steroid injections and possibly surgery, says the lawsuit, in which kane also seeks total damages of more than $865,000. That includes $115,000 in lost wages and $750,000 for pain and suffering.
Police said Brock failed to stop in the Aug. 3, 2016, incident as his vehicle approached stopped traffic near the Morrison Bridge in downtown Portland.
He hit the back of the city truck, which hit a Subaru, which hit another Subaru, which likely hit a fifth car that left the scene -- perhaps not knowing it had been tapped. The cars had been stopped at a red light, the Oregonian reported.
The singer told police he had fallen asleep at the wheel. He was evaluated for signs of intoxication, which officers could not confirm.
There were no signs Brock was impaired at the time of the crash, so police cited him for careless driving and he has since paid a $435 fine.
Kane's attorney, Jason Kafoury, claimed Brock looked "incredibly groggy" after the accident, the Oregonian reported.
Kane was a city utility worker who has been unable to work in the 15 months after the crash, the newspaper reported. The city is paying for her to study business management in hopes that she can obtain another job.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.