Miss Italy contestant bullied on social media for competing with baby

Miss Italy contestan Alessia Spagnulo faced backlash after competing with her child on her chest. (Alessia S.)

Miss Italy contestant Alessia Spagnulo faced an onslaught of social media bullying and death threats after she competed with her six-month-old daughter, Chloe, strapped to her chest.

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

After not being able to find a caretaker for her child on the day of the pageant, the new mother decided to bring her baby along. Althoughfellow contestants offered to hold the child while she competed, The Times reported Spagnulo refused.

The 24 year old said one of the online trolls wrote, "you deserve to die for this," and someone else said it was "unnatural," according to The Sun.

The aspiring beauty queen was shaken by the virtual abuse.

"I have never felt this kind of violence before but I am refusing to respond," she said. "I have put on 2kg since I was pregnant, but they are the most beautiful 2kg I have ever put on."

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Spagnulo said she thought, 'why should I hide her?'"

Despite the criticism, Spagnulo advanced to the next round of the competition making it to the top 18.

While she has encountered adversity in her quest for the Miss Italy crown, Spagnulo has a message for other mothers.

"My message to other mothers is that your dreams can come true, even if you have a child and the 1,000 tasks that come with it," she explained.

Fox News reached out to Alessia Spagnulo but did not receive comment.