Cameron Douglas, the scion of one of Hollywood's most famous acting families, was sentenced to an additional 4 1/2 years behind bars Wednesday, on top of his current five-year prison sentence for drug dealing.
The 33-year-old troubled son of Oscar-winning actor Michael Douglas was sentenced in April 2010 for drug trafficking but got another 4 1/2 years, more than twice what prosecutors were seeking, for possessing drugs while in prison.
"I feel ashamed," Douglas said before he was sentenced.
After the court hearing in New York, Douglas' mom Diandra Douglas wept and refused to talk with reporters.
Inside Manhattan federal court, Diandra Douglas' eyes widened and jaw dropped when she heard how much time her son had received. She was so distraught that she left her cellphone behind once the hearing was over.
Michael Douglas did not attend the hearing.
Cameron Douglas had been looking for another chance, writing to the judge earlier this week that he was "saturated in my own shame and penitence."
He had also begged for "the opportunity to build myself and gain the tools I need to shape my future."
"I feel so strongly, for the first time in my life, that I am truly ripe for positive reform and real achievement," he stated in the Manhattan federal court filing.
Douglas, who turned rat and got five years in jail following his 2009 arrest for dealing meth, noted that he has "been battling this disease of addiction, as you know, for more than half of my life."
Instead, Judge Richard Berman showed him very little mercy with the hefty prison sentence and a $4,000 fine, calling him "reckless, disruptive and non-compliant."
Douglas was also given a two-year ban for family visits and will receive immediate drug treatment while in prison.
The feds had only asked for two years.
Berman added that Douglas had "blown the biggest opportunity of his life."
Douglas' lawyer Nick De Feis said his client has never been given a chance to clean himself up while in prison.
"There are just so many times I can say, 'Give us another chance,'" Berman responded.