Marianne Williamson says she wants a 'Department of Peace' as POTUS

Spiritual guru and 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson called for a "Department of Peace" during her Monday night appearance on "The Late Show."

"Late Show" host Stephen Colbert asked the "Politics of Love" author if she is would order others to "kill our enemies" as president, which she responded, "absolutely."

"I think that when you take an oath of office of the president of the United States, part of that oath means that you are commander in chief," Williamson explained. "But I think if you're going to talk about peace, you can't just back up into peace... My critique of our national security agenda is not a critique of the military. It's a critique of the politicians who have based our national security agenda as much on short-term profit maximization for defense contractors as it has on any agenda for creating peace. When was the last time you heard a politician talking about peace on this planet in 20 years? That's why I want a Department of Peace."


Colbert recalled a conversation he had listened to between former American diplomat Richard Holbrooke and musician Willie Nelson where Nelson had asked, "'Why don't we have a Department of Peace?'" To which Holbrooke responded, "'Willie, we do. It's called the State Department. It's just not used that way.'"

Williamson knocked the current budget for peace building agencies, which she said gets less than $1 billion of the $40 billion State Department budget.

The "Late Show" host then pointed out how she had the podium at the far end of the debate stage last month and asked Williamson if she felt "marginalized."

"My placement on the podium is the least of of the ways that I feel marginalized in this election," Williamson responded. "But I understand how it works and I understand that there's this sort of political media industrial complex. And last time it was 'It has to be Bernie [Sanders]' and this time it's 'Oh, it can be any of these four or five.' And I have a problem with that. I challenge the idea that only people whose careers have been entrenched for decades in the limitations of the mindset that drove us into this ditch that they're the only ones we should consider qualified to take us out of the ditch."

The presidential longshot dismissed the idea that the "safe choice" in someone like former Vice President Joe Biden since it could be "the most dangerous thing we could possibly do."


"I think that when we think of political qualifications today, we should expand our sense of what those qualifications are," Williamson continued. "A political qualification today should include political vision, it should include moral certitude, it should include the capacity to move groups of people, large groups of people towards a common goal, a common vision, a law for democracy and a love for our world and a love for our planet."

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