Bill Maher faces pushback after saying he's 'glad' David Koch is dead
HBO host Bill Maher tells 'Real Time' audience that he hopes Koch's end was painful; reaction and analysis on 'Outnumbered.'
"Real Time" host Bill Maher said Friday that Democrats could be heading toward a contested 2020 convention and suggested that Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., could emerge as a strong "compromise candidate."
"Can I present a scenario?" Maher asked his guests during the show's panel segment. "I think this might be one of those years where ... they can't get over that 'centrist' versus 'socialist' thing. So Elizabeth Warren at some point takes Bernie's voters, he drops out. It's Warren and Biden. And they go into the convention and it's deadlock. This has happened before in American politics and they need a compromise candidate."
He then pointed to Klobuchar as a viable option for Democrats in the general election against President Trump.
"I'm looking hard at Amy Klobuchar," Maher said. "You know why? Because -- this is not an insult to Amy Klobuchar -- I like you, but they put generic Democrat on the ballot, they win."
Plus, he added, "She's a woman. That moves a lot with the wokesters."
Guest Krystal Ball of The Hill rejected Maher's argument, insisting a "centrist" would lead to another defeat for Democrats. She insisted that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would beat Trump.
Maher pushed back, saying, "Even the centrists in the Democratic Party are pretty far left."
Meanwhile, Democratic strategist Fernand Amandi told Maher that a centrist is the wrong "C-word" and that it's actually "charisma" that matters most -- and stressed the Democratic candidate should have plenty of it.
"Well, we're f---ed then," Maher replied.