Bill Maher: 2020 Dems just need to 'come off less crazy' than Trump -- and 'they're blowing it!'

Before closing his show Friday night, "Real Time" host Bill Maher urged the 2020 Democrats to "come off less crazy" than President Trump in order to win the 2020 election.

Maher began by describing the "Trump fatigue" that he says Americans are feeling based on polls that say the president "tweets too much" and that he "isn't presidential." He also mocked the president, saying his June interview with ABC's George Stephanopolous drew lower ratings than "Celebrity Family Feud."


"Fatigue is the best thing we've got going for us. The majority of Americans aren't tired of winning, they're tired of looking at his fat f---ing face!" Maher told the audience. "It's hard to beat an incumbent in a good economy. Every incumbent since FDR has won if they avoided a recession leading up to an election year and consumer confidence is sky high. ... The voters that Democrats need to win, moderates who have Trump fatigue, will vote against a good economy, I think, just to get back to normalcy, but they won't trade it away for left-wing extremism."

"Moderates who have Trump fatigue will vote against a good economy ... but they won't trade it away for left-wing extremism."

— Bill Maher

The HBO star argued that the upcoming election is about "fatigue" as well as "fear" that Trump pushes onto voters, citing the fear of "socialism," "open borders," and "getting rid of private health insurance."

"All the Democrats have to do to win is to come off less crazy than Trump -- and, of course, they’re blowing it!" Maher said. "Coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in 'America sucks.'”

Democrats are "coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in 'America sucks.'”

— Bill Maher

Maher said that he doesn't "really" want Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden to be president, but stressed that the former vice president is the "only candidate" who can beat Trump in Ohio.

"He's like nondairy creamer," Maher said of Biden. "Nobody loves it, but in a jam, it gets the job done."


He continued, "It's the fatigue, stupid! Let's make it hard for Trump to play on voters' fears and let the fatigue win the election for us. We'll get to the revolution, but remember, put on your oxygen mask before assisting your child."

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