
Madonna has persuaded three appeal judges to allow her to adopt Malawian orphan Mercy James.

Two have already submitted reports recommending it go ahead and the third is said to be "in complete unison with them".

Madonna, 50, whose two-year application to adopt the three-year-old was blocked by a court in March, has been told the news by her lawyer Alan Chinula.

PHOTOS: Click here for photos of Madonna in Malawi.

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The ruling is set to be announced next Sunday at Malawi's Supreme Court of Appeal.

A source there said yesterday: "The paperwork is being typed up now. All recommendations are in favour of the adoption taking place. Mercy should start packing her bags. She's off to America."

A close friend of Madonna said: "She's ecstatic.

"She made a promise that she wouldn't give up on Mercy and, believe me, she could move mountains when she's this determined."

MORE: Click for The Sun's full report.