
This apple looks to have fallen a few feet from the tree.

The burlesque dancing long-lost cousin of Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, Katrina Darling, is Playboy magazine's September cover girl.


“It was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard,” she tells the magazine about learning of her relationship to Middleton from a reporter last year. “It’s not every day something like that happens.”

Soon after the revelation became public, Darling's burlesque career obviously took off.

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“Burlesque is a platform for me to explore these kinds of things.  The more into it the audience is,” she told Playboy, “the more into it I am.”

Darling recently told The Post that she has received plenty of negative media attention from her sudden raise to fame.

“I’ve been called God knows what in God knows how many languages," she said. "I try not to take the negative attention as a personal attack, I try not to pay attention. I try not try read the press too much, so I don’t know what they’re saying about me."

So are there any chances Kate’s still single brother-in-law, Prince Harry, has a chance?

“I’m sure Prince Harry is an adorable guy, but I am a taken woman and Eton College men are not my cup of tea — too prestigious," she explained. "I like my men rough around the edges!”

Darling is doing some upcoming shows in the U.S. in Miami and New York City.

No word if her cousins will be attending.