Actress Lindsay Lohan is suing Latino chef Jose Rodriguez for drunk driving allegations. (2012 Getty Images)
LiLo wants to set the story straight about her run-in with a Latino chef last week.
TMZ is reporting that Lindsay Lohan plans to sue Manhattan chef Jose Rodriguez for accusing her of being drunk when she allegedly hit him with a Porsche in New York City last week. According to the celebrity news site, Rodriguez told reporters the often-troubled star was “slurring” and "smelled of alcohol."
According to The New York Daily News, 34-year-old Rodriguez claimed a drunk Lohan hit him in the leg while pulling a “friend’s Porsche into a Chelsea driveway between the hip Maritime and Dream hotels.” However, a videotape of the incident shows Rodriguez pursuing the car after it “glancingly struck him.”
“We are confident this matter will be cleared up in the coming weeks and the claims being made against Lindsay will be proven untrue,” Lohan’s representative Steve Honig told The Daily News.
Meanwhile, Lohan is keeping a low profile as she prepares to debut the upcoming Lifetime movie, “Liz & Dick,” based on the public affair between late Hollywood actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
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