Lindsay Lohan Marked as a No-Show for Community Service at County Morgue, 'In a Lot of Trouble'

When Lindsay Lohan had her probation revoked on Wednesday, Judge Stephanie Sautner compelled her to do community service at the LA County Morgue if Lohan posted her $100,000 bail.

The actress posted the bail, and her lawyer said Lohan would indeed perform that community service as instructed: two days a week, eight hours a day.

Just one thing -- Judge Sautner told Lohan to be extra special careful to be at the morgue on time, because morgue officials don't put up with any celebrity funny business.

Apparently Lohan did not get the message, as she did not show up at the morgue Thursday morning on time as ordered, Fox News has learned.

Lohan's assistant called the morgue 20 minutes before the actress' scheduled 8 a.m. start, saying she was in the car and on the way, a rep for the coroner's office told Fox News.

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At 20 minutes after 8 a.m., Lohan was still nowhere to be found. At 40 minutes after, she finally showed up, but was turned away, and told to try again tomorrow.

And it gets worse.

The coroner's office told Fox News they will also contact her probation officer about her no-show, who will then inform the judge.

Lohan, 25, appeared before Judge Sautner on Wednesday, where her probation was revoked for missing too many court-mandated community service obligations.

Lohan’s attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, pointed out in the hearing that her client received a “glowing” report from her psychiatrist.

"The report says Ms. Lohan has reached a turning point in her accountability and maturity," Holley argued, while the less-than-impressed Judge scoffed: "Failing to show up nine times [to the shelter] is reaching a turning point in her maturity?"

Holley also stressed that it was pivotal that her client be able to work in the entertainment industry – where most of her opportunities were overseas – because she was under pressure not only to support herself, but her entire family.

It sounds like that pressure is real.'s Pop Tarts column can also exclusively reveal her half-million dollar deal to be the face of German designer Philipp Plein’s 2012 collection is in serious jeopardy.

“This is terrible news. We want Lindsay to finally be out of this legal trouble. She needs to have the freedom to work and pay her consequences at the same time,” Nathan Folks of Twisted Games, who facilitated the contract between Plein and Lohan, said. "I am very concerned that she will not be able to fulfill her duties to our client Philipp Plein in Milan."

Lohan’s rep denied that her latest legal woes will any way impact the Plein contract.

L.A-based custodial coach, Wendy Feldman, who advises clients on probation situations, said that from her understanding of the case, several top-notch therapists had turned down working with the troubled actress to avoid any potential compromises to their professional integrity.

“They (doctors) knew it could be messy,” Feldman told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “But not turning up to community service is a clear indication that things aren’t exactly going great.”

“Lindsay is in a lot of trouble. The judge is furious and acknowledged that the jails are overcrowded and those sentences don’t mean all that much in the state of California anymore, she is using community service as punitive rather than [to] rehabilitate,” Feldman continued. “The Judge is stuck in a very frustrating situation; she doesn’t know how else she can possibly punish her or get the message through. Placing her in a morgue is definitely very punitive. Lindsay just doesn’t seem to understand the consequences of her actions here. This is as tough as I have seen a judge be – this is not a normal case, but Lindsay is not a normal defendant.”

Lohan is due back in court on Nov. 2 to for another probation hearing. It she is found to have blown off her responsibilities, she faces a sentence of 18 months behind bars, although how much of that she would serve is anyone's guess.

A rep for the actress confirmed that she posted bail on Wednesday, which was set at $100,000, and “is hoping this matter will be resolved on November 2 and the Court will reinstate probation and allow her to continue fulfilling her community service.”

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