
Leonardo DiCaprio starred in a post-“Titanic” experimental indie film called “Don’s Plum” that he and co-star Tobey Maguire then reportedly had banned from ever playing in the U.S. and Canada.

One of the filmmakers, Dale Wheatley, put the entire film up online in December and wrote an impassioned explanation on his blog -- FreeDonsPlum.com -- of what he says DiCaprio and Maguire did to him to in having the film banned.

Apparently DiCaprio and Maguire just noticed "Don's Plum" had resurfaced, as the movie was removed from the online streaming site Vimeo on Thursday.

Wheatley sent FOX411 the Vimeo takedown notice which reads in part: “We have removed your video titled 'Don’s Plum,' previously available at Vimeo, in a response to a takedown notice submitted by Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA.”)

“It saddens me deeply that in 2016 we witness the senseless oppression of film and art by one of America's most beloved actors," Wheatley told FOX411. "While the world celebrates -- and certainly Americans celebrate -- his great achievements in cinema , he chooses to use an iron fist to suppress the work of many other artists including him in a film made 20 years ago.

"Don's Plum" is shot in black and white and also stars Kevin Connelly, Jeremy Sisto, and Rilo Kiley singer Jenny Lewis. It debuted at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2001 and was released in Europe. DiCaprio and Maguire reportedly filed suit over the movie because they say they agreed to appear in their friend's film on the condition it never be released in the U.S.

DiCaprio is up for an Oscar this year for "The Revenant."

Wheatley says he'll fight Vimeo's removal notice.

"I'm obviously going to appeal Vimeo's decision to overlook my fair use copyright as an author of the material, and I'll always continue to fight to free 'Don's Plum,' and I'll always fight to restore the dignity and reputation of the filmmakers who made it."

Emails to DiCaprio, Maguire, and Vimeo were not immediately returned.