So many celebrities use social media to share their or that it's kind of refreshing when one of them doesn't. We still don't know if what LeAnn Rimes did is what we'd consider "refreshing," though.
In late April, Rimes revealed on Twitter that she would be undergoing surgery to take care of a "seriously painful" hangnail. "About to have surgery at the derm," she wrote. "This is not going be very enjoyable!" Then, only an hour later, she was tweeting about getting shots in her finger to numb the pain of the subsequent surgery, complete with cutesy emoticons to further convey her sentiments.
An entire week passed with Rimes making no mention of her hangnail, leading the world to foolishly assume that they'd heard the last of LeAnn's surgery saga. Then on Tuesday, Rimes not only spoke of her annoying hangnail, but tweeted a picture of her bandaged, infected thumb from the dermatologist's office:
Yes, Rimes' says her thumb is now infected, which probably means a few more doctors' visits, and (hopefully?) more updates and photos.
Life for Rimes isn't all needles and pus, though. At the very least, her loving husband Eddie Cibrian is nearby to serenade the pain away.
"I luv that my sick hubby is desirously [sic] singing @johnlegend 'All Of Me' in order to make me feel better from finger pain," she tweeted on Tuesday. "He's changing the lyrics to something really dirty and has me in stitches."