
Late night comedians celebrated the United Nations audience of world leaders laughing at the United States and President Trump during their monologues on Tuesday night.

Trump listed domestic economic accomplishments during a speech to the General Assembly on Tuesday, saying his administration had done more than almost any other, then U.N. spectators chuckled in response. He downplayed the laughter. “I didn’t expect that reaction but that’s OK,” he said.

While late-night hosts mock Trump on a regular basis, they seemed to take additional pleasure in the president being laughed at by foreign leaders.

“Don’t worry, Mr. President, they’re not laughing at you -- they’re laughing with each other at you,” CBS’ Stephen Colbert said after a vile joke about the president enjoying the smell of urine.

Colbert wasn’t finished and his jabs at the president continued for several minutes. He accused Trump of “working the room like an insult comic” during his speech at the U.N.

“The Late Late Show” host James Corden picked up where Colbert left off when he opened his program

“Trump gave a speech to the United Nations where he boasted of his achievements in office and the world leaders in attendance responded with polite applause. I’m kidding - they laughed in his face,” Corden proudly said before playing a video of the moment.

“He got a big laugh! He did. I look forward to seeing Trump do his set again on the next season of ‘Comedians in Cars Committing Collusion,’” Corden said.

The jokes weren’t limited to CBS, as NBC’s “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon joked that foreign leaders were “begging to be deported” during Trump’s speech.

“Trump hasn’t heard that much laughter since his night with Stormy Daniels,” Fallon said.

TBS’ Conan O’Brien also got in on the fun, enthusiastically telling his crowd that the United Nations “burst out laughing” at Trump.

“Trump was furious, because for a few seconds he accidentally made some foreigners happy,” O’Brien said. “That’s the thing that made him angry. That was not his intention.”

U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday morning to defend the president, saying the comics got the story wrong.

“I deal with these leaders every single day. I know exactly how they think. Do they love America? No. Do they respect America? Now they do,” Haley said. “When he said that, they love how honest he is. And it’s not diplomatic. And they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it.”

Haley then said that foreign leaders were “falling over themselves” to get a photo with Trump.