
Lanny Davis

Donald Trump

Good Morning America.

Also this morning, on MSNBCs Morning Joe, Davis said Helsinki was Cohens turning point.

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Helsinki was a significant turning point, he said, claiming Cohen became worried about the future of the country” when he saw Trump on stage with Russian ruler Vladimir Putin, who everyone in Trump’s intel operation concluded had interfered in the election to get Trump elected.

“That shook up Mr. Cohen,” Davis insisted, calling Cohen’s decision to implicate Trump in court “an evolutionary process, a painful process.

When talk turned to Trump as Putins Useful Idiot Under Siege, Davis said Cohen is worried Trump will “do something idiotic” to deflect attention from the headlines after Cohen turned himself in to authorities, describing the situation as “very scary and dangerous.

That was Davis’ segue to plug his client’s GoFundMe campaign.

Previous night, Davis also told CNN’s Don Lemon that Cohen has more serious dirt on Trump.

“I do know that Michael Cohen has information that would be of interest to Mr. Mueller in his probe of a conspiracy to corrupt American democracy, very similar to the indictment of the 12 Russians,” he said.

“I won’t calling it the smoking gun information, somebody else would have to judge that,” he added modestly.

Tantalizingly, he assured this additional intel is not about the campaign-period Trump Tower meeting in which Don Jr. and other met with a Kremlin-connected lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton.

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