Meteorologist Liberté Chan was asked to put on a sweater while on the air during Saturday morning’s weather report on Los Angeles’ Tribune Broadcasting station KTLA. The incident, which Chan handled with aplomb, was quickly dubbed #Sweatergate on social media.
“We’re getting emails,” a voice says off-camera, while an arm hands her a gray cardigan. “Why? Because it’s cold? I look like a librarian now,” Chan replies but obligingly dons the sweater and ties it at the waist.
Chan said on Twitter that she had changed from a previous outfit because it “keyed out,” meaning it didn’t work well with the green screen in front of which weather reporters appear. “Can’t beat a black beaded dress,” she wrote on Twitter before the controversy broke out, with many on Twitter observing that the incident seemed to be badly handled and embarrassing.
“Dating Naked” director of development Megan McGrath was one of the first to point out the apparent sexism on Twitter, saying she thought they had publicly embarrassed Chan. It’s not Chan’s first struggle with the green screen — according to the Weather Channel, another dress caused an issue a few months ago, when the green screen caused a green dress to make her appear transparent.
KTLA had no comment.
Even if it's early in the AM, can't beat a black beaded dress @KTLAMorningNews @AidanMattox @PistolandStamen
— Liberté Chan (@libertechan) May 14, 2016