Kim Kardashian-inspired robbery victim Halloween costume sparks outrage

A Halloween costume depicting reality star Kim Kardashian bound and gagged has sparked outrage.

A company called Costumeish is selling a costume called "Parisian Heist Robbery Victim," and while the reality star is never named in the costume's description, there's little doubt the costume is Kardashian-related.

The costume kit includes a short white robe, a long black wig, large sunglasses, a fake gag, two inches of rope and a fake "$4 million dollar" ring.

"This Halloween it's all about the #Hallomeme and who better than America's goddess of all things glamorous 'Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume?'" the costume's description reads. "She has devoted her life to promoting American decadence, youth, and hedonism but all that flashy living caught up with her one night in Paris when armed men bound her, stole her jewelry and her peace of mind. This Halloween have some fun with pop culture and dress just like the Queen of Social media."

The costume received backlash on social media, but Costumeish founder Jonathon Weeks told FOX411 the company has "no intentions of taking it down and it has been selling well."

"Our deepest sympathy to the family and nobody deserves to go [through] what she did. We are not mocking her, however, Halloween reflects pop culture and celebrities are no different," a rep for Costumeish said.

Police in Paris say they are still investigating an October 3 robbery where Kardashian said she was tied up and robbed of nearly $10 million in jewelry.

This is not the first year a costume has made waves. In recent years, costumes of Caitlyn Jenner, Cecil the Lion and an Ebola hazmat suit caused controversies.