Kim Kardashian beats Justin Bieber as Bing's most-searched for person of 2012

Is it possible that fans are crazier about Kim Kardashian than they are about Justin Bieber?

New data released by Bing has Kardashian beating out the Biebs as the most-searched for person of 2012.

PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian's Twitpics- Celebuzz 

Maybe the Beliebers just have their favorite Bieber sites bookmarked. In any case, Kardashian took the number one spot, which she previously held before the pop singer ousted her in 2011.

Bieber is 2012’s number two most-searched for person, followed closely by young bride-to-be Miley Cyrus.

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The Biebs on-again-off-again girlfriend Selena Gomez also made the cut at number seven, and Jennifer Anniston followed her at number eight.

Other popular search trends in 2012 included the name Blue Ivy, Beyonce and Jay-Z’s choice for their daughter, and Psy’s YouTube hit “Gangnam Style.”