Khloe Kardashian: 2010's Classiest Celebrity

Doesn't it seem like every time you turn around, those Kardashian sisters are making headlines?  From magazine covers to fashion lines to their reality show, these business-savvy divas are professional famous people. But these days, things have been quiet on the Khloe front.  So what's a Kardashian to do when your two sisters seem to be upstaging you? Nude ad for a good cause? Already under her belt, so to speak.  DUI arrest and jail time? Check! Tabloid weight-loss cover? She's done about four of those.  Wedding to rich and famous athlete? Yep, she's done that too.  Seems there's nothing left but to stand on your balcony and flash the paparazzi your breasts. And, of course, that's just what she did! But don't be mad at her, it's not her fault. Just as we have to do things to stay employed in tough economic times, so too does Khloe. She's just following the reality-star guidelines to stay famous! Click through to see her classy show. Just don't do it when your boss walks by.  <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Source: X17. Click here for more Khloe photos if you haven't had enough yet.</a>

It all began innocently enough, as Khloe and her celeb pals put on their best "the paparazzi are SO annoying" act. <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Source: X17. Click here for more Khloe photo</a>s.

You know how reality stars HATE to be photographed? Especially the Kardashians who shy away from cameras at every opportunity they can! Well, Khloe decided the BEST way to keep them away would be to start lifting her shirt up. Ingenious!  <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Source: X17. Click here for more Khloe photo</a>s.

... almost there ... <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Source: X17. Click here for more Khloe photo</a>s.

And there you have it. The most graceful display of self-control of 2010, don't you think? <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Source: X17. Click here for more Khloe photo</a>s.  

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom wed in September of 2009. snapped shots of the couple saying their "I do's" in Beverly Hills on Sunday, September 27, 2009, with family and friends, and "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" producer Ryan Seacrest in attendance, fueling rumors the wedding was all for ratings. "It was a bit odd ... that there were so many cameras around," said on onlooker. "The place was beautiful but it did look a little like a Hollywood set. I can't imagine Khloe would get married for the wrong reasons though ... she seems like a nice girl." <a href="" target="_blank">EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: For more pics of the wedding go to</a>

Before losing weight, Khloe Kardashian says she often felt like the "fat sister." <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Click here for more photos of Khloe from X17 Online.</a>

Khloe Kardashian shown in 2008 outside of an L.A. club. <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Click here for more photos of Khloe from X17 Online.</a>

The reality star at a 2008 Halloween party, before losing weight in 2009. <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Khloe+Kardashian">Click here for more photos of Khloe from X17 Online.</a> (

Khloe and sister Kim, right, work the red carpet at the Three-O Bubble Vodka launch in New York City. Khloe was noticeably svelte at the event.

Khloe, shown here in 2008, was seemingly uncomfortable being photographed by the paparazzi, so she got on a strict diet and exercise regimen to lose the extra weight.

Khloe shows off her new figure in a pink mini skirt. The reality star says her legs are her best feature. (

Khloe and sister Kourtney at the Miami opening of their store Dash. (

June 4, 2008: Khloe shows off her curves in a leopard skirt. But the star says she felt fat at this weight, and recently shed 20 pounds. (X17online)

May 13: Khloe Kardashian attending the Zune party in L.A, showing off her newly slim physique in a little black dress. (