Katy Perry says she would change 'I Kissed a Girl' lyrics if it was released today

Katy Perry said she would "make an edit" to her 2008 hit "I Kissed a Girl" if it came out today. (Reuters)

Katy Perry’s single “I Kissed a Girl” was a catchy radio tune when it debuted in 2008, but the singer admitted she would change the lyrics if the song came out today.

In an interview with Glamour on Tuesday, Perry said society has changed in the last 10 years since her first major hit was released. The 33-year-old singer said she “would make an edit” on the lyrics, but did not specify which lines would be changed.

Katy Perry performs "I Kissed a Girl" in 2008. (Reuters)

“We’ve really changed, conversationally, in the past 10 years,” she told Glamour. “We’ve come a long way. Bisexuality wasn’t as talked about back then, or any type of fluidity. If I had to write that song again, I probably would make an edit on it.”

She added, “Lyrically, it has a couple of stereotypes on it. Your mind changes so much in 10 years, and you grow so much. What’s true for you can evolve."


The lyrics Perry may be referring to includes the verses: “I kissed a girl just to try it/I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it” and “It’s not what good girls do/Not how they should behave.”

Though the song was called “lesbian-friendly” when it was released in 2008, some people slammed the song, saying it reflected “the trivialization of queer female sexuality and the cultural norms which state that female sexuality exists for the pleasure of men,” according to a blog on Feministing Community.

Perry also spoke about the song in March 2017 while receiving the National Equality Award at the Human Rights Campaign Gala Dinner in Los Angeles, Vanity Fair reported.

“I’m just a singer-songwriter, honestly. I speak my truths, and I paint my fantasies into these little bite-size pop songs,” she said. “For instance, I kissed a girl and I liked it. Truth be told, I did more than that.”