Kathy Griffin feels 'betrayed' by Anderson Cooper after firing

Kathy Griffin reportedly feels betrayed by Anderson Cooper after being fired by CNN. (Reuters)

While Kathy Griffin continues her sympathy crusade after weathering a storm of criticism for her terrible Trump severed-head photo, sources say she’s seething about how Anderson Cooper dropped her from his CNN New Year’s Eve broadcast like a hot potato.

Sources said Griffin had expected CNN “golden boy” Cooper to stand by her, but the news network swiftly announced she was fired from the NYE broadcast with Cooper, which they’ve done together for 10 years.

TV insiders say respected newsman Cooper had no choice but to condemn Griffin’s disturbing photo shoot, in which she held up a faux severed and bloody head of President Trump.

After the controversial image of Griffin went viral, sparking widespread backlash, Cooper tweeted, “For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.”

But a source said, “Kathy totally misjudged this. She truly believed that Anderson would stick up for her. She considered him a friend. While she has nobody to blame but herself, she feels somehow betrayed.”

Griffin appeared in a tearful press conference on Friday where she sobbed of Trump: “He broke me.” No word about Cooper.

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