Kate Upton breaks geeky high schooler's heart, won't attend his prom

Jake Davidson still doesn't have a date for his prom. At least not one named Kate Upton.

The Sports Illustrated swimsuit superstar said that while she was indeed flattered by Davidson's YouTube prom request - a request that went viral and was viewed over 2 million times -- she can’t make his May prom in Los Angeles.

"[I] just don’t know if I can make it work. But I really appreciated being asked — it made me feel really great!” she told People. “This video was creative and funny. It made me laugh.”

Davidson posted a YouTube video last Sunday asking Upton to be his prom date.

"I'm gonna be real with you here, I don't have a girlfriend, and with prom season coming around, that could be problematic for some," he explained. "But I'm me, I'm Optimus Prime, and I see the glass half full."

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He proved that by explaining why apparent opposites such as he and Upton attract: “You're the ying to my yang, I'm Jewish, 5'9 on a really good day - and I can't dance at all. You're Christian, 5'10, and that Cat Daddy video should have won an Oscar for best short film - you could say this is destiny."

"Kate we can ride around all night long, 'til 11, that's my curfew," he added.

Upton retweeted the video to her followers and initially gave Davidson hope via Twitter:

“You can call me Katie if you want! How could I turn down that video! I'll check my schedule ;)”

Davidson couldn't believe his luck.

“You truly are incredible," he replied. "Just responding made my year, thanks so much! P.S. Hope your schedule is free!”

Unfortunately, as Davidson has now learned, a supermodel's schedule is rarely that.

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