Kate Middleton's burlesque dancer cousin Katrina Darling in no rush to meet royal relative

Kate Middleton’s cousin is a burlesque dancer who goes by the name Katrina Darling.

The 21-year-long lost relative of Prince William’s wife told RumorFix that Middleton has made no effort in reaching out.

Where are her royal manners?

But the brunette beauty says she couldn’t care less, telling the site it would be really “awkward to meet Kate. I’m not sure what I would say in that sort of situation. But I’m sure we would find something to laugh about in it all.”


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PHOTOS: Katrina Darling dancing nearly naked.

“It would be nice to meet her, but I’m not actually going to pursue it," she added.

Darling learned of her royal relation through the press just days before Kate Middleton wed Prince William in April 2011. She is a second cousin once removed to the Duchess of Cambridge.

Darling said she has received plenty of negative media attention from her sudden raise to fame.

“I’ve been called God knows what in God knows how many languages. I try not to take the negative attention as a personal attack, I try not to pay attention. I try not try read the press too much, so I don’t know what they’re saying about me," she said.

So are there any chances Kate’s still single brother-in-law, Prince Harry, has a chance?

“I’m sure Prince Harry is an adorable guy, but I am a taken woman and Eton College men are not my cup of tea — too prestigious," she explained. "I like my men rough around the edges!”