Kardashian Magazine Could Spell Doom for Celebrity Weeklies, Experts Say

May 24: From left, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian and mother, Kris Jenner. (Reuters)

The Kardashians are continuing their drive toward total media domination.

This time around, they have magazines in their headlights.

The reality television family, who have already taken over programming at the E! network, have millions of fans on Twitter and Facebook, and have their fingerprints all over Buzz Media, now want to bring an all-Kardashian magazine to a grocery store checkout line hear you.

But experts say such a move could severely hurt the traditional tabloid players in the market.

The New York Post reported this week that the Kardashians have been in talks with American Media Inc. -- owners of Star and OK! magazines and the newly launched Reality Weekly -- to develop their own glossy, and insiders tell Fox411.com that the family has already had talks with top editors at the weekly magazines about coming to work with them.

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But the threat of defections isn’t what has the weekly tabloids quaking in their boots. They’re more afraid of what a single Kardashian magazine would do to their sales.

“The Kardashian stories sell our magazine," one editor told us. "If they stop giving them to us and they have all the exclusive Kardashian news every week, it would be devastating for us.”

On average, each of the weekly celebrity magazines has a full Kardashian cover at least once a month, and consistently sell tons of magazines off of their smaller cover stories featuring the family. While Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie continue to be the stars that sell the most magazines in the celebrity market, the Kardashians are a close second, and if they stop feeding the glossies their interviews and pictures, sales will certainly fall.

“The weeklies should be nervous. It seems that every week they are on the cover of some magazine. But it isn’t just the celebrity magazines that the Kardashians are on the covers of," media analyst Brad Adgate of Horizon Media told Fox411. "They are often on the covers of fashion magazines, too, so it makes sense for them to say, ‘We should keep the dollars and tell our stories’ instead of sharing our brand with these other magazines."

There are no reports yet on whether the proposed Kardashian magazine will actually be a weekly or a monthly, similar to Oprah’s Winfrey’s gigantically successful lifestyle magazine based around her own personal brand. But what has Adgate concerned is what exactly the Kardashians would fill a magazine with.

“I think this could be one of the more successful launches. They have a following. But the question is ‘what do they do?’" Adgate said. "You know what Rachel Ray does. You know what Martha Stewart does and you know what Oprah does. The Kardashians are just famous for being famous."

Magazine editor Bonnie Fuller, who helped to turn US Weekly and Star magazine into household names, and is now Editor in Chief of the website HollywoodLife.com, believes there is another obstacle for the Kardashians in their plan to launch something in print.

It’s hard.

“Magazines are a tremendous amount of work,” Fuller said.  “While I imagine that the Kardashians will be working with an editorial team, it's a big commitment. Certainly as big a time commitment as doing a TV show. They are biting off a lot, but I wish them the best!"

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