Journey drummer Deen Castronovo in jail for rape

Journey band members (L-R) Jonathan Cain, Neal Schon, Arnel Pineda, Deen Castronovo, and Ross Valory pose together after performing on NBC's Today Show in New York July 29, 2011. REUTERS

Journey drummer Deen Castronovo is now being held without bail in the Marion County Correctional Facility in Oregon for charges that include rape.

The 50-year-old drummer was first arrested on domestic violence charges on June 14, and he was released on bail, but now more charges have been added, and according to the Marion County’s inmate roster he is back behind bars.

Castronovo is accused of assault, unlawful use of a weapon, rape, sexual abuse and coercion, among other things. He has been barred from having contact with the woman he allegedly assaulted.

The drummer is set to appear in court on Tuesday at 3 p.m.

Castronovo was booted from Journey’s tour following his arrest. TMZ reported that Omar Hakim would take his place, rocking out with the band.

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Castronovo has been with Journey since 1998, when he replaced Steve Smith.

Castronovo made news earlier this year when he donated $10,000 to an Oregon high school after an arsonist burned down its band room.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.