Journey drummer Deen Castronovo charged with assault for injuring woman

Journey band members (L-R) Jonathan Cain, Neal Schon, Arnel Pineda, Deen Castronovo, and Ross Valory pose together after performing on NBC's Today Show in New York July 29, 2011. REUTERS

Journey drummer Deen Castronovo has been released on bail following a domestic violence arrest in Oregon.

The 50-year-old drummer was arrested Sunday and charged with misdemeanor assault and menacing.

Deputy District Attorney Jean Kunkle wrote in court papers that Castronovo knowingly caused physical injury to the woman.

Castronovo's attorney, Jeffrey Jones, did not immediately return a phone message.

A plea hearing has been scheduled for June 30. In the meantime, the drummer is not allowed to have contact with the woman.

Castronovo has been with Journey since 1998, when he replaced Steve Smith.

Castronovo made news earlier this year when he donated $10,000 to an Oregon high school after an arsonist burned down its band room.