Jon Cryer: Charlie Sheen helped me hire prostitutes

Before Charlie Sheen’s epic meltdowns, he and former costar Jon Cryer were close friends, who got along well on the set of the hit show “Two and a Half Men.”

Cryer details his relationship and experiences with the unpredictable star in his new book “So That Happened,” which hit shelves on April 7. The Hollywood Reporter, however, got a first-look at the book and published an excerpt from the juicy-tell all.

The “Pretty in Pink” star reveals in his book that Sheen helped him hire prostitutes after his split from his wife in 2004.

“I was in a bad state right after my divorce, and I certainly didn't feel dateable,” Cryer writes. “I was an emotional basket case. What good was I to any woman I might have interest in? I decided I might as well pay someone for company and certain intimate pleasures so that I could at least get my equilibrium back with the opposite sex.”

He writes Sheen “suggested a few online purveyors he occasionally used.”

“My forays into prostitution were about as awkward as you might imagine,” Cryer admits. “I went with an out-call for my first try, which means they come over to your house. My chosen vendor drove a white BMW and sported a sexy Finnish accent. It was really a very friendly experience, maybe because the act of having sex is quite the conversational icebreaker. The next time, I went to her place, which probably wasn't really her place. We sat down, tried to make small talk and halfheartedly stumbled into a conversation about recent fluctuations in the stock market. Somehow I ended up spending 25 minutes of my hour helping her with financial planning.”

The actor also described once hiding a bag of porn for Sheen when his then-wife Denise Richards was coming by the “Two and a Half Men” set for a visit.

But later in their relationship, it became apparent to Cryer that Sheen was on the verge of an epic meltdown. He writes that he reached out to his costar after Sheen was arrested for spousal battery of Brooke Mueller and judging by Sheen’s replies, it was “pretty clear my friend and colleague wasn't sober anymore.”

Chuck Lorre asked him to confront Sheen about his behavior, but before Cryer had a chance his costar checked into rehab—somehow securing himself a raise to $1.8 million per episode along the way. Cryer revealed the salary was “fully three times” his own.

Once Sheen was eventually let go from the hit show, Cryer recalls how fans and some bigplayer in the industry alike rallied behind him.

“An astounding number of people stood up for Charlie, as though people should be able to show up to work rarely, if at all, verbally abuse their co-workers publicly with anti-Semitic slurs, get arrested on a regular basis — as well as abuse drugs to the point where they can barely function — and not have their high-paying jobs threatened. They directed their fury at Chuck but also at me, with hundreds of comments about how I'd betrayed Charlie… and that they'd never watch a show with me as the lead.”

Sheen, who is usually very active on social media, has not yet made mention of Cryer’s book.

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